Anka Mráziková-Somorja-Samorin, Slovakia - felkészítő tanár
Anka Mráziková-Somorja-Samorin, Slovakia
Born 28. March 1958 in Trenčín. She lives and works in Dunajská Luľná near Bratislava.
1978-1984 studied at University of Graphic Arts in Bratislava in textile field (prof. E.Antolová, E. Lehotská)
1984 – She begins to teach at Primary Art school in ©amorín and to cooperate with „Dorka“ woman’s magazine.
The dominant element in widespread artistic creation is bobbin and needled lace and embroidery. The last part of creation is the combination of the lace and oil paints.
Exhibitions (selection)
- Glass and Textile Erfurt
- Various Art Bratislava
- Textile and Wood in interior Bratislava
- The Slovak Lace Rotterdam
- Creations of the Youth Bratislava
- Christmas Exhibition Bratislava
- The Exhibition of Pedagogues Bratislava
- Handwerkmesse München
- Gallery Trenčín
- Gallery Bratislava
- The Exhibition of Pedagogues Bratislava